Batteries & Chargers
Battery technology has advanced significantly in recent years. Li-ion (Lithium Ion) batteries don’t lose power in storage like they used to. Nor do you have to charge them fully and run them down fully. Old batteries would ‘remember’ the high and low level and charge or drain to that, so if you only half-used the power they would charge back to half power only. With the new generation of batteries you can use them little or often and you don’t need to worry about battery power or health. Benefits of using battery products include:
The key benefits of choosing battery powered machinery include:
Less vibrations
Cost saving
Less noise
Less disturbance to surroundings
Safe and easy to use and store
No fumes or pollution
Showing 1–24 of 34 results
Husqvarna BLi200 36v Battery
£239.00 -
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